The Art of Buying and Selling: Mindset
Are you looking at this year’s market, especially with this last interest hike, and thinking it’s nearly impossible to keep moving real estate? If you are not well-versed in, what I call, “The Art of Buying and Selling,” you may face major obstacles. These next few months, we will thoroughly cover the many aspects of this “art.”
Today, we will start with an integral piece, the part most real estate agents have trouble with, which is also the most important part of selling. This piece is mindset. Mindset is the first thing you must conquer if you’re going to be a great real estate agent!
I’ve had so many agents tell me they lost the sale because they “didn’t want to be pushy” or because they “felt bad” or intimidated. We must change the way we think about selling.
Do you remember when you first decided you wanted to be in real estate? Why did you make that decision? Most of you would say it was because you wanted to help others. This is what we are doing when we “sell” a home to a family. We are not selling a house or pushing them into buying. We are helping that family to get something they want—a home they will love. And when you’re prompting further about the property, you’re not being pushy; you’re asking questions so that you can better serve your clients.
I was having a conversation with a gentleman a few days ago. He had been in real estate for 15 years or more. I was telling him that my last sell took me a whole month of going back and forth with my client. He couldn’t believe I would spend that much time negotiating just to sell a condo! But, why not? Selling is a puzzle that we must just keep trying to solve until we figure out the right answer.
If you want to help your clients, if you want to help families find their dream home, if you want to conquer this art of buying and selling, you must take that first step. You must change your mindset!
If you would like more coaching like this. I am always free to coach my realtors. If you’d like to join our team so you, too, can get this free coaching, visit our page, and fill out the form! We’re looking for agents just like YOU!